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Who is Santa Claus?

Do you know who Santa Claus is? He is hidden deep inside you, me and everyone around. Know more about Santa Claus and why he is called so?

Little Jeson was very eager to know what Santa Claus had put in hanged stocking. He was not able to sleep and wanted to see Santa putting gifts in the stocking. He was going again and again near the stocking and looking inside it. The Christmas Eve night of Jeson was filled with excitement of receiving gifts from Santa Claus.

His mother was enjoying this moments of craziness of her child about Santa's gifts. She decided to make him rack his brain, so she asked "do you know who Santa Claus is?" The answer was the same as any other child would give. To make her child wiser Jeson's mother starts explaining about Santa Claus. Read on and know what she told Jeson about Santa Claus.

As Jeson's mom started narrating stories about Santa Claus, he got more excited. He started bombarding her with many crazy questions about Santa. Jeson's mom started finding her son very funny. Then she started answering her son's question one by one as under.

Why he is known as Santa Claus?

In many stories it is mentioned that Santa Claus was a saint named Nicholas Klaus hundreds of years ago. According to god's message he spent his life helping poor by giving whatever he had. He never expected anything in return of his deeds. He came to be known as Saint Nicholas Klaus and further as Santa Claus.

Why Santa Claus gives toys to children?

There are some stories which say that Santa Claus was a saint who used to make toys. He used to give toys and sweets to the children who obeyed their parents. Children who were naughty and never used to listen to parents would get a lump of coal and sticks. Small children are told that now also he comes on the Christmas Eve and put toys in stockings. This story is most effective to control the naughtiness of children.

Why does Santa Claus put gifts in stockings?

This custom of hanging stocking is also based on a story. This story is of a poor man who had three daughters. In the olden time the chances of women getting married to a good person was depended on the amount of dowry. It was impossible for young women to get married without giving dowry.

In such situation the poor man had three daughters and it was impossible for him to collect lot of money. He had no other option than putting his daughters to slavery. However miracles of Santa Claus helped the poor man. A bag filled with gold would appear each time for each daughter. This bag filled with gold would appear in the stocking hanged near chimney. This happening gave rise to the tradition of hanging stocking to get gifts from Santa Claus.

Why Santa Claus is considered as savoir?

There are many stories which regard Santa Claus (Saint Nicholas) as the savior. He used to protect the fellow human beings through his prayers from various difficulties like famines, droughts etc. His prayers would return back lives of many innocent humans who were killed unnecessarily.

Such miracles kept happening even after his death. This fact can be concluded form the incident when a kidnapped boy suddenly appeared in front of his parents. The boy was snatched by the Arab pirates who had come to steal treasure from Saint Nichols Church. Thereafter the young boy was treated as a slave by the pirates. As the boy was the only child of his parents, they were in great grief about his loss.

As the boy was been taken away on the Saint Nichol's feast day the, victim family could not be enthusiastic to celebrate this day. However after a year, on the same day the boy appeared unexpectedly in front of his mother. This incident happened to boy when he was severing his king. He was offering a drink to the king in a golden glass. At the same time he disappeared from the king's place and appeared in front of his mother holding a same golden glass in hands.

Jeson's mother was going on explaining all the facts about Santa Claus that she was aware about. Suddenly she noticed that Jeson went off to sleep on her lap. She slowly picked up his face and put it on the pillow. She quickly got up and quietly filled the stocking hanged by Jeson with candies and toys. Next morning Jeson was very happy to see toys of his desire in the stocking. He ran towards to his mom with joy. He hugged her and whispered in her ears "Merry Christmas".

With this incident we can also say that Santa Claus is hidden in every body's heart. He is hidden in you, me and every body. He comes out secretly every time and fulfills the desire of our children. This Christmas make Santa Claus hidden in you think about better gift ideas to give a big surprise to your kids.

Have your child ever asked you about who Santa Claus his? What do you tell your child about Santa Claus? Can you recollect any story about Santa Claus? To share your views and experiences, click here.

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