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Child's Healthcare Topics..


Cough and Cold?

Cough and Cold?

Here are some home remedies which parents have shared with us for helping children to cope with cold and cough. If you want to try these remedies on your kids, do consult a paediatrician.

My 7-month-old daughter had a terrible cough a while ago. I applied turmeric paste on her forehead, and then I applied Vicks to some warm paan (beetel leaves), and placed it on her chest. I did this around three to four times a day, for around fifteen minutes at a time. It worked like magic!

- Raghu Iyer, India

My baby is almost 2 years old now. Since the day she was born, whenever she would suffer from a cold or from colic, I would give her a spoon of turmeric powder with a little warm water. Her cold would completely dry out within a couple of days. Also I breastfed her till she turned 1.5 yrs. I strongly believe that because of this, her immunity is high and she has had rare incidents of colic and cold. Babies build their resistance in the first few years. If they are fed antibiotics during this time, it can hamper their natural resistance building process. Hence, use home remedies as much as possible.

- Supriya Sikand, India

For mild coughs, I find that a small amount of milk (1/4 cup) warmed, to which a little salt and a teaspoon of turmeric has been added, helps. It tastes foul, but the results are almost immediate!

- Bzbee, Canada

To get rid of your child's cough, wrap some Aniseed (ajwain) in a piece of cloth and make it into a ball. Heat the ball of cloth with an iron or 'tawa' and place it gently on your child's chest. Move it back and forth. Make sure the cloth isn't so hot, that it would burn your baby's skin! Your child will feel better. Do this for two days, and you will see results. Another tip is to crush tulsi paan and add a few drops of honey to this paste. Feed it to your baby. I have tried this on my ten-month-old son, and it really works! You can also give your child some hot milk mixed with a pinch of turmeric to drink. This will sooth your child's throat.

- Nikita, India

This really works for babies, below a year old. If your baby has a severe cough, try this: Take the juice of one adusol leaf, mixed with the juice of 5 to 6 tulsi leaves. Add ajwain powder and feed this mixture to your baby for two days. It is an excellent cure.

- Riya, India

If you are hesitant about feeding your baby any of these home remedies, try this: To a pinch of saffron add a few drops of water and grind. Apply this paste on your child's forehead, chest, back, hands and soles of feet.

- Suzan, Hong Kong

I have used this effective remedy for my 14 month old when he had a cold.

Heat some coconut oil with powdered camphor and allow it to cool down to a lukewarm state. Once there, apply the oil to the chest, back, nose, throat and forehead. The cold usually subsides after continuous application twice a day for about 2 days.
- Gayathri, Germany

If you have cough/congestion, add a tablespoon of honey and the juice of half a lemon to a glass of warm water. Drink up, the first thing in the morning. Kids should take a teaspoon of honey. Whenever my 4 year old has a cough, I give her ginger juice and honey and then some warm milk. It really helps. Humidifiers help too, but if you don't have one, place a wide pot filled with water in your child's bedroom.

- Shalini, USA

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Raji.9 years ago
can I give tulsi leaves water to my 5th month baby
hina.11 years ago
i am allergic to dust and weneva i clean my house i get cough though its there somthing i can do for this
Shweta.9 years ago
use facemask while cleaning
veenita sengupta
veenita sengupta.14 years ago
try giving tulsi leaves,small onlion and khadi sakhar....grind all 3 and remove its juice and give it thrice a day for 3 days....this will not only gv a temporary relief for your kid, but will avoid cold and cough on a long run
Diya.14 years ago
these were very helpful for my child.
seema.14 years ago
for fast relief in cold besides home remedy one should go for homeopathy medicines as well. for cold it is net mur 30 for kids,steam inhalers,tulsi and vicks is really helpful.
seema gupta,delhi
sukeshi.14 years ago
i give tumeric powder and honey to my child whe he was year old he is years old the remedy is the same ..if it is given times a day. it definitly works.
sukeshi.14 years ago
i give tumeric powder and honey to my child whe he was 1 year old he is 4 years old the remedy is the same ..if it is given times a day. it definitly works.
Rama.14 years ago
for fast releive of cold & cough i give to my children tumreic in warm milk. sometimes i give small quantity of regular tea made with clove & cinnamon with little salt added to this. i avoid ginger cause it can cause fever in infants.
diana.14 years ago
i find the articles very interesting however parents should b warned..the intake of honey in a child 2 or younger has been proven dangerous
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